CMF A3P: Accelerator Partnership Pilot Program

ComicReply completed the CMF A3P at the York Entrepreneurial Development Institute, Schulich Executive Education Centre

The Accelerator Partnership Pilot Program (A3P) is a Canada Media Fund program that provides some additional funding to companies that are already developing a product through the Experimental Stream. The goal of the program is to help commercialize the new innovative product with help from a qualified Startup Accelerator / Incubator and some funding from CMF. The funding is used for any development left to complete the product/market fit while selling it to customers.

Through the CMF A3P we developed all of the features needed to turn ComicReply into a Software-As-A-Service (SAAS) product. This included:

* Defined target markets
* Service / pricing plans
* Free trial system
* Ordering and billing system
* Product documentation and training materials
* Cloud hosting for increased performance
* Improved performance through a Content Delivery Network (CDN)
* Enhanced privacy, security and compliance features
* Enhanced product management panel
* API for third-party integration opportunities

The excellent advisers at the York Entrepreneurial Development Institute helped with various aspects of the project including legal agreement loopholes.

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