Auto Safety Contest by Parts Manufacturer

The Auto Safety Contest invited consumers and technicians to share images and videos showing the importance of using quality auto parts in vehicle repair. 

Note: This was not made by ComicReply – presented for commentary purpose only!

The auto repair industry has been flooded by cheaply made parts that often fail faster and in more dangerous ways than ever before. This contest was designed perfectly to capture the frustration of drivers and remind them the importance of using high-quality auto parts.

Auto_Safety_ContestThe contest invited drivers to share photos and videos of vehicle failures due to bad parts, which often led to collisions and powerful imagery.

By inviting real drivers in real situations to present their experiences the auto parts manufacturer attracted over 1,000 participants and distributed gift cards to winners.

To enter participant submitted images and descriptions via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Tumblr, along with the contest hashtags.

This is an excellent example of a social contest that help solve actual problems while bringing a smile to participants and visitors alike.

Launching and running such a contest requires a technology platform for bringing in the content, presenting it nicely and enabling voting and sharing. Managing entries for spam and other features are also required.


If you have an idea for a unique photo or video contest for your brand consider using ComicReply, it has all of the features you’ll need and our staff can customize it for your unique campaign needs.

For more information about using ComicReply for your social marketing campaign contact us here:

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Photo source: Pixabay



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Auto Safety Contest by Parts Manufacturer
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Auto Safety Contest by Parts Manufacturer
The Auto Safety Contest invited consumers and technicians to share images and videos showing the importance of using quality auto parts in vehicle repair. The contest invited drivers to share photos and videos of vehicle failures due to bad parts, which often led to collisions and powerful imagery.
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ComicReply - Audience Engagement Platform // Social Media Contests
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