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Measure Results.

Accumulate fans with every contest

Here is how to measure the contest results:



ComicReply Reports

A simple summary of the main activities on the site – number of participants, entries, views and votes. You can limit to a specific date range to analyze the data.


reports_googleanalyticsGoogle Analytics

Here we can place the Google Analytics for your contest to make it easy to analyze traffic in relation to the main report.






The ComicReply platform was made possible through the support of the Canada Media Fund (CMF), which includes a partnership with comScore, making more detailed statistics available for your contests.


Online Sales

Aside from growing your fan base, mailing list, and spreading the word about your product or service, it is also possible to sell your products next to the contest on the same HTML page. In those cases we can also help you track the conversions from the contest into sales.


Take a look at the Contest App >>




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